As the Book Review Editor of Constitutional Studies, I am delighted to discuss opportunities for publishing book reviews, review essays, or hosting book symposiums. The books must be related to the theory and practice of constitutional government broadly defined.
As Editor of the German Law Journal, I am happy to discuss opportunities for publishing works on comparative, transnational and international law from a global south perspective. Established and early career scholars are welcome.
Together with Richard Albert, the Hines H. Baker and Thelma Kelley Baker Chair in Law at the University of Texas at Austin, I am co-editing The Oxford Handbook of African Constitutions (under contract with Oxford University Press). If you are working on constitutional law or governance in Africa at the national, sub-regional, or regional levels and would like to learn more about or contribute to our project, please get in touch. We encourage early career and women scholars.
I was elected to the Council of ICON.S in 2023 with a commitment to fostering inter-generational collaboration within the society and advocating for early career and younger scholars. If you are an ICON.S member with ideas on inter-generational collaboration, please get in touch.
If you are interested in pursuing your doctoral studies at UCL Laws and your proposed research focuses on comparative constitutional law, constitutional law and theory, or human rights, I would be happy to discuss opportunities for PhD supervision.
UCL Laws offers a Visiting Fellows program. If you are interested in applying and are working on my area of expertise, I would be happy to discuss the possibility of being your Academic Host.
Together with James Fowkes and a group of African scholars, we are working to strengthen connections within Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world in the field of international and comparative public law, broadly defined, under the umbrella of The African Interest Group. We aim to support early career scholars and those based on the continent. If you are an African scholar and would like to be involved in the work of ICON.S, please get in touch.
I am available for advisory activities, consultancy, expert witness work, conference participation as a speaker or panelist on constitutionalism, the rule of law, democratic governance, and human rights.